Category Archives: Random Craps

This doesn’t always need to be brilliant.

There’s an old saying that goes, “he who would post to blogs must do so pretty frequently or people just won’t give a shit.”  I believe that there may be wisdom in these words.  My brother recently asked me what the theme of the blog was, what the purpose was, what the plan was.  I didn’t have a very good answer.  It certainly seemed like a reasonable question.  I mean, we generally are drawn to a blog or website for some purpose, right?  I might go to XKCD, Questionable Content or Oglaf, because I want a laugh.  I might go to a fitness blog because I want to share my struggles or learn new techniques or gawk at chicks with big muscles.  Ok…I probably won’t be found on a fitness blog, at least not a normal one.  In any case it helps motivate my viewers if there’s a purpose, right?  It should also help motivate ME in the writing!  Shouldn’t it be easier to write if I know what my voice is, what the point of the whole damn thing is?

Well, guess what.  I’m not really sure what the point is.  I spent years talking about starting a website with my friends while we tried to hash out all of the details.  Nothing ever happened.  I recently learned that sometimes you just have to force activity.  Wait, scratch that.  I advised other people a long time ago, creative types, artists if you insist, that they needed to force the creation of things and not wait for inspiration.  I thought that the momentum would build and eventually you would find yourself more inspired, more creative, more successful.  It seems logical enough.  When I say that I “recently learned” I mean, that I saw it in practice recently some where and internalized it.  What I am trying to do right now is to stop waiting for that perfect idea or perfect plan and just create some kind of commotion.  I thought this might be a fun silly fitness blog or just a blog about two guys that like to eat like crap and play video games but right now it’s just a way for me to force some activity out of myself.  I mean, I like to post to facebook and all but sometimes you want to write a four hundred and forty one word diatribe right before you go to bed!  With that I leave you but I promise that my intent going forward is to update no less than Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week, even if it is only to present you with a list of my favorite brands of underwear.

Previously mentioned Russian spam post…NOW IN HD!!!

For your viewing enjoyment, our first spam post! Apparently when you set it to spam it doesn’t actually delete it, it just quarantines it, so you can, you know, unleash it like a bio-weapon at any time.

Сегодня 01.10.2013 открылся новый проект Просто Лайт!!!

Подробная информация и регистрация:

Хотите зарабатывать деньги в интернете, но не знаете как? Наверняка Вы мечтаете обрести финансовую свободу?
Мы Вам поможем! Кстати, свой первый шаг к успеху Вы уже сделали – Вы на нашем сайте! Теперь Вам осталось решить:
Хотите ли Вы зарабатывать РЕАЛЬНЫЕ деньги и быть финансово независимым. Или оставить все как прежде?

Преимущества проекта:

Все расчеты осуществляются через систему QIWI (без процентов и комиссий), только между участниками, что гарантирует
сохранность Ваших денег. Нет ограничения по рефералам на 1 уровне, а следовательно и на уровнях выше может быть любое
количество рефералов. Нет лимита продаж уровней. Очень удобная короткая матрица и стоимость уровней ниже, что позволяет
быстро и легко заработать много денег!!!

Отличия проекта Лайт от Просто50

Нет ограничения по рефералам на 1 уровне, а следовательно и на уровнях выше может быть любое количество рефералов.
Нет лимита продаж уровней. Очень удобная короткая матрица и стоимость уровней ниже, что позволяет быстро и легко
заработать много денег!!!

Стоимость уровней:

Уровень Цена Рефералы
1. 50 Руб Неограниченно
2. 150 Руб Неограниченно
3. 300 Руб Неограниченно
4. 600 Руб Неограниченно
5. 900 Руб Неограниченно

So now you too can make 300, 600, even 900 rubles an unlimited number of times! Once you have saved up a million rubles you can like, I don’t know, buy a slice of bread from Mikhail MuthaRussian Baryshnikov!!!

“What you say?”


It’s true, we’ve finally made it!!!!

Today I moderated our first spam post! It was only the second comment ever posted on the blog but at 50% spam, doesn’t that validate us as a real blog site?! It was all Russian and shit and it went on and on for paragraphs. Come to think of it I didn’t even bother translating it…maybe it was all like “hey you crazy Americans are awesome!” and “I want to give you mad Rubles!” or even, “hey, I’m trapped in some psycho torturers dungeon and this is the only web page I could get access to! Please send the police…AAARRRGGHHHH!”
Heh…that would suck.

Candy Crush Saga. It must be crushed; no saga required.

Have you ever seen the Matrix? That scene where agent Smith is telling Morpheus that he feels like human beings are a virus? Candy Crush Saga is a virus. I swear to fucking god this thing started out as “Mafia Wars 2010 requests” annoying and has become a flipping pandemic. I now receive a request once a day from multiple friends. That, was almost tolerable because I understand that facebook has to make money somehow and that will always be by annoying us just shy of making us leave or by creating creepy ads with pictures from our profile. What has become intolerable is that it now seems almost every site I visit on my phone has a magic CCS pop-up which swoops in forcing me to repeatedly press the back button and miss the point of what ever trashy gossip link I was following. Maybe I’m exaggerating…maybe…maybe CCS isn’t the problem, maybe I’m the problem. Maybe if I would just try it out I would really enjoy it, I mean if everyone else is playing it…I…I should join them, right?! Hah hehe, bwahaha…yes, YES, yEs…hoooo…joooooiiiiiiinnnnn themmmmmmmmmmm…

We’re Sorry

We’re sorry for the following reasons:
1) We came up with the idea for this blog…
2) We came up with the idea for this blog when we first decided to start getting into shape. Then we started posting after we stopped getting in shape! Not that we got real far in the first place.
3) We are sorry that this one single post has taken us like 20 minutes to write at this point.
4) This would be going better if Matt would stop playing with his damn busted ass phone and offer some suggestions.
5) We’re sorry that we needed to notify you of our blog so that we could inflict this upon you.
6) We’re sorry that you will probably expect some kind of regular updates further obligating us to provide content even though we’d rather be eating pizza and blowing shit up on the PS3/360/etc.

Thank you for taking the time to uh…whatever.

What is this all about?

Not too long ago we had an idea for a website. Wait, maybe it was more like a decade ago. Since then we’ve come up with numerous other ideas and always managed to smother them with a seven layer burrito of excuses and laziness. This process probably involved a number of actual seven layer burritos from Taco Bell and two liter bottles of Mountain Dew. Far more recently I decided that I needed to stumble my way through the process of creating a website and drag my best friend with me. So why would this time be different?